Global Pagoda is listed in Lonely Planet as number one attraction in Mumbai. Indeed, it’s a fabulous building for it’s unique architecture- It is the words biggest hall made entirely by locked bricks technique- There are no walls or pillars inside the Pagoda, just massive open space that can easily fit 8 000 people inside.

Global or Gold Pagoda
Pagoda is all covered in Gold. It is not done for the show-off. There is a big symbolic reason behind this. As Budha realised Nibana (as he awoke to the reality) his face was glowing. Pagoda glows as well as to great the quality of Awakeness.

Visiting Pagoda
You can attend a ten minute meditation course or visit photo gallery that nicely illustrates the life of Buddha in more than 50 pictures.
You won’t stay hungry in Global Pagoda, there is a nice restaurant that serves indian dishes and fruit shakes.
If you want to support the place you can give donation on the spot.
There is usually a guid on the spot who can talk to you about the Buddha, the Dhamma (teaching of the Buddha) and meditation. Don’t worry, you don’t need to tip him, he is a volunteer, and happy to help.

S. N. Goenka
Mr. Goenka is a well known vipassana meditation teacher who helped thousands of people establish in the wonderful technique of meditation called Vipassana. Mr. Goenka died in year 2013. but the seeds of practice that he planted are giving fruit as more and more people discover the peace and bliss that comes from Vipassana meditation. You can join a 10-day course of Vipassana meditation, it’s free.
Visiting Pagoda is totally free. More about Global Pagoda on official website.